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Barbara R. Houseman

More than Thanks

'Thank you' are two of the loveliest words in our vocabulary. We say them for the simplest of kindnesses as when someone holds a door for us as we exit the supermarket. We say them with profound meaning when a loved one brings us a special and unexpected gift.

When we say 'Thank You' to the Lord, however, it's more than 'Thank You.'

Or it should be.

This Thanksgiving I am reminded of the innumerable blessings He has poured into my life - family, precious friends, health and provision. I am reminded of the priceless gift of His Holy Spirit Who indwells us and grants us guidance and wisdom, instruction and correction, assurance and comfort, as we need it.

As His gifts stream across my consciousness, I offer more than thanks, don't you? Thanksgiving leads to worship, to the unrestrained outpouring of love towards Him who first loved me. Imagine this: before the world was created, God planned YOU - He planned to create you, He wrote the plan for your life in a heavenly book (Psalm 139) and though He knew ahead of time the mistakes we would make, the sins we would commit and the times we would ignore His Spirit. Yet He made you anyway because His love compelled Him.

For Jesus, the thought of having to bear your sins and mine was easier than the thought of our utter helplessness. That alone is cause for the highest of thanks and the most profound worship.

This Thanksgiving, I want to especially thank you, my friends, for your love, your friendship, your encouragement and your support of this ministry. Each of you are a gift from God to me and I do not take you for granted. I thank the Lord for you, pray His abundant blessings upon you and yours and look forward to continue working together for the glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom until our glorious Savior appears to take us home.

My love to you all and a very happy Thanksgiving,


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