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Barbara R. Houseman

An Appeal from Heaven

Sitting here tuned in to the local news station monitoring Hurricane Irma as it storms towards Florida, I cannot help but think of family and friends about to have their lives seriously impacted. Many areas have already lost electrical power and the hurricane is barely touching south Florida at the moment. There is much more to come.

My mind goes to the Word of God and in particular, Psalm 41: 3-4. Addressing the Most High, David writes:

You built Your palace on the ocean deeps,

Made a chariot out of clouds and took off on wind-wings

You commandeered winds as messengers, appointed fire and flame as ambassadors. (Message Bible)

Last evening as I looked at Facebook, someone had commented regarding the hurricane: 'Where is God?'

I understand the question, but I would suggest that rather than our asking Him, God is, in fact, asking us Americans, 'Where are YOU?'

The psalmist says it eloquently. The winds are His messengers; fires and flame His ambassadors. The storm winds are blowing ferociously; fires are raging in other locations.

Heaven is appealing to this great nation: 'Where are YOU? What has happened to you, America?

Your founding fathers honored Me and looked to My Word for guidance in establishing your nation. Your brave young men fought - and many died - to guard and protect your values, your freedom and your land. I have abundantly blessed you, been with you in times of trouble and comforted you in the face of hardship.

Where are you, America? Have you forgotten Me? Do you dismiss My commandments now as irrelevant? Out of date? Antiquated? Where were you when I hung the moon and called the stars by name?

Where are you, America? Is Sin now defined as 'freedom' and Rebellion defined as 'Liberty'?

Where are you, America? Don't you know that My love is toward you, that My heart is for you, that My grace has been over you like a cloud these many years?

Where are you, My people within America? Where are the prayer meetings? Where are the tears of repentance for a nation gone rogue from its God?

Repent and return to Me that I might bless you and lift you up again. Do you not remember that I promised:

If My people, my God-defined people, respond by humbling themselves, praying and seeking My presence, and turning their backs on their wicked lives, I'll be there ready for you. I'll listen from heaven, forgive their sins and restore their land to health. 2 Chronicles 7:14

(Message Bible)

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