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Never Doubt the Power of Prayer

Recently I heard an inspiring testimony from parents whose son had left home in his early 20's and led a debauched life for many years. Pained beyond belief, they continued nevertheless to pray for him. He had been raised in a Christian home, taught the Word of God and been active in the youth group...until he went to college. There he gradually pulled away from other Christian young people, spending more and more time with 'friends' who led him into drugs and homosexuality.

His parents prayed on. At times they had no idea where he was or who he was with. Months turned into years and still they prayed on.

Twenty-six years - yes, you read that right - twenty-six years later, a phone call changed everything. Their son asked to come home. They received him gladly and within weeks

the young man - now in his early 40's - re-committed his life to Jesus Christ.

Were his parents ever discouraged along the way? Of course they were. Today, their son thanks God that his Mom and Dad never gave up on him, even when they were the most discouraged.

Are you praying for a loved one, a friend, who is far from God? May this testimony encourage you to keep on keeping on. Not one word of prayer is without its reward. Though the answer take time, expect it, believe it will come and trust the God of all grace to bring your loved one, your friend back to Himself.

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